Alabama |
24 contact hours every 2 years |
Alaska |
At least 30 contact hours of continuing education, including 15 contact hours of education in advanced pharmacology and clinical management of drug therapy. |
Arizona |
No CE Required |
Arkansas |
15 contact hours every 2 years |
California |
30 contact hours every two years |
Colorado |
No CE Required |
Connecticut |
50 hours of continuing education related to your area of practice every two years |
District of Columbia |
24 contact hours every 2 years, 3 of which must be in HIV/AIDS or Director's Topics and 2 of which must be in LGBTQ or cultural awareness. |
Delaware |
30 contact hours every 2 years, 3 hours of which must be in substance abuse. |
Florida |
16 hours plus state mandates, including 2 hours for medical error prevention, 2 hours for nursing laws, 2 hours for human trafficking, 2 hours for workplace impairment, 1 hr for HIV/AIDS. |
Georgia |
30 contact hours of continuing education every two years. |
Hawaii |
Every 2 years, 30 CEs or 9 other options |
Idaho |
15 contact hours of continuing education every 2 years |
Illinois |
20 contact hours every two years. |
Indiana |
No CE Required |
Iowa |
36 contact hours every 3 years |
Kansas |
30 contact hours every 2 years |
Kentucky |
14 contact hours every year |
Louisiana |
A minimum of 30 hours OR a minimum of 900 practice hours every two years |
Maine |
CE not required |
Maryland |
Complete one of the following for license renewal: 1,000 hours of active nursing practice within the 5 previous years; or Board-approved nursing education program within the 5 previous years; or 30 CEUs within the 2 years immediately preceding renewal. |
Massachusetts |
15 contact hours every 2 years |
Michigan |
25 contact hours every 2 years including 2 hours on pain and symptom management and 1 hour on human trafficking |
Minnesota |
24 contact hours every 2 years |
Mississippi |
CE not required. 20 contact hours if out of practice for greater than five 5 years. |
Missouri |
CE not required |
Montana |
24 contact hours every 2 years |
Nebraska |
20 contact hours every 2 years |
Nevada |
30 contact hours every two years |
New Hampshire |
30 contact hours every 2 years |
New Jersey |
30 contact hours every 2 years, including 1 hour on prescription opioid drugs |
New Mexico |
30 contact hours every 2 years |
New York |
Must complete course work or training in Infection Control at initial licensure and every four years thereafter. |
North Carolina |
One of the following every two years: national certification or recertification, 30 contact hours of continuing education, a board-approved refresher course, or 2 semester hours of post-licensure education related to nursing practice. |
North Dakota |
12 contact hours every two years. |
Ohio |
24 contact hours every two years |
Oklahoma |
RNs are required one of the following every two years: verify 520 hours of employment a year, complete 24 hours of continuing education, verify or complete current certification in a nursing specialty area. |
Oregon |
2 hours of cultural competency education, a one-time requirement of 6 hours in pain management and/or treatment of the terminally ill and dying patients. |
Pennsylvania |
30 contact hours every two years, including 2 hours of approved child abuse recognition and reporting training. |
Rhode Island |
10 contact hours every 2 years including 2 hours of substance abuse CE. |
South Carolina |
30 contact hours every 2 years |
South Dakota |
CE not required |
Tennessee |
5 contact hours every year for practicing nurses |
Texas |
20 contact hours every 2 years. |
Utah |
One of the following every 2 years: 30 contact hours, OR 200 practice hours and 15 contact hours, OR 400 practice hours. |
Vermont |
No CE Required |
Virginia |
15 contact hours of continuing education every two years |
Washington |
8 contact hours every year |
West Virginia |
12 contact hours every year |
Wisconsin |
CE not required |
Wyoming |
One of the following every two years: 400 hours of active nursing practice, or 200 hours of active nursing practice, and 15 hours of continuing education, or if less than 200 hours of active nursing practice, 30 hours of continuing education. |