In Critical Care Medicine Academy, Dr. Peter Sloane starts with an in-depth review of the pathophysiology of respiratory failure and ARDS, ventilator management strategies, acid-base disorders, sepsis syndrome and cardiovascular emergencies. This is followed by a mini-course on basic point-of-care-ultrasound (POCUS) by Dr. David Weisman, with focus on pulmonary and cardiac ultrasound imaging. Finally, Dr. Brian Bohner provides an overview of neurologic, gastrointestinal, hematologic/oncologic, and endocrine emergencies. This course provides the student with a broad knowledge base of the pathophysiology of the critically ill patient and the tools to assess and manage this challenging population.
RegisterCME Accreditation*Please note that if you have already purchased Cardiology Academy, there are 7 hours in Critical Care Medicine Academy that are duplicates. If you would like to skip these sessions and only register for the remaining 15 hours, please email us at for a discount code.