Critical Care Medicine Academy

Online Critical Care Medicine Course

Credits: 22 | Price: $345

In Critical Care Medicine Academy, Dr. Peter Sloane starts with an in-depth review of the pathophysiology of respiratory failure and ARDS, ventilator management strategies, acid-base disorders, sepsis syndrome and cardiovascular emergencies. This is followed by a mini-course on basic point-of-care-ultrasound (POCUS) by Dr. David Weisman, with focus on pulmonary and cardiac ultrasound imaging. Finally, Dr. Brian Bohner provides an overview of neurologic, gastrointestinal, hematologic/oncologic, and endocrine emergencies. This course provides the student with a broad knowledge base of the pathophysiology of the critically ill patient and the tools to assess and manage this challenging population.

RegisterCME Accreditation

*Please note that if you have already purchased Cardiology Academy, there are 7 hours in Critical Care Medicine Academy that are duplicates. If you would like to skip these sessions and only register for the remaining 15 hours, please email us at for a discount code.

Learning Objectives

Session 1: Introduction – Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation
Session 2: Pulmonary Emergencies: ARDS, Pulmonary Embolism and Pneumothorax
Session 3: Acid-Base Disorders and Acute Renal Insufficiency
Session 4: Sepsis Syndrome, Septic Shock and ICU infections
Session 5: Cardiovascular Emergencies
Session 6: Point of Care Ultrasound
Session 7: Neurologic Emergencies in the ICU
Session 8: GI and Hematologic/Oncologic Emergencies
Session 9: Endocrine Emergencies
Session 10: Critical Care Medicine – Potpourri

PSA is a groundbreaking education tool for any resident interested in solidifying their foundation in pulmonary and sleep medicine as well as expanding their knowledge base into the intricacies of these fields. The format is easy to follow, no matter what level of medicine you’re at. This is a valuable tool for medical students and residents. I highly recommend it to those interested in pulmonary, critical care or anesthesiology. The programs will allow you to develop a comfort level with topics that may be difficult to comprehend.

Justin Gurges, Resident Physician
New York, NY

PSA was highly informative and challenging. The speakers were clear and concise in their delivery. Explanations were provided with the post questions explaining all answers. I also like the way the session was broken up.

Karen Viets, RN
Saint Augustine, Florida

I am a practicing Emergency Medicine physician in North Carolina and want to improve my knowledge of critical care and pulmonary topics. When I heard about PSA, I knew this would be a great way to do that. And so far through the pulmonary course, it definitely has been! It’s been both a great review of the basic medical school concepts while also introducing and explaining higher level clinical pearls. The presentations are clear and the graphics put some of the complex ideas into nice visual depictions that are way better than any text description could be. The built-in test questions and ability to earn CME are great additions as well. This has been a fantastic educational opportunity. I highly recommend it to any clinical provider who wants to advance his or her knowledge of important pulmonary topics!

Jonathan T. Jaffe, MD
Winston-Salem, NC

Course Preview

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for our online academy today.